Category: JavaScript
Is React-Native the best choice for mobile app development?
Here’s a controversial question about React-Native: Is React-Native the best choice for mobile app development, or are native mobile app development platforms (such as Android’s Java and Kotlin or iOS’s Swift) a better choice in the long run? This is a controversial topic because there are strong arguments to be made for both sides. Some…
Remove Array Duplicates in ES6
How to remove a big file wrongly committed
I added a large file to a git repository (102Mb), commited and push and got an error due to size limit limitations on github remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage – remote: error: Trace: 7d51855d4f834a90c5a5a526e93d2668 remote: error: See for more information. remote: error: File…